Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bleach. Animal cruelty.

went back to watch bleach for a while..

came across the line "live well, age well, bald well, and die after me..
and if possible.. die after me.".
ya.. his dad told him that.. best line to show parental luv eva? ^^|

okay.. the following post is only meant for the strong-hearted.. itz about luv too. and plz dun say i'm cruel or whatsoever... sometimes itz juz that we refuse to look at the harsh facts...
Told mum about that friday's presentation by that guy @ our ct peroid...

ya.. as expected, she couldn take it when i talk about the caged bears.. but seriously... nobody can feel nothing when you look into the insane gaze of the bears.
taking a step back. questions came to mind. is that guy a vegetarian? and why is he only rescuing the wild endangered species... he did mention about his organization "not about bred and stray cats and dogs" right.. den where does his empathy lie? and where will yours lie?

taking another step back.. the harsh fact of nature is that the strong rule over the weak... apparently we climbed all the way up the food chain to be the ruler.. and perhaps abusing the power.. bt seriously.. we are born to eat both veges and meat.. and all these comes from living things.. scrutinize the food chain from bottom to top.. so long as your not basic minerals, your depriving something else of their existence for your own wellbeing... it cannot be helped.

what i believe, is that we shouldn kill and torture for pleasure.. since we are top of the chain we should carry ourselves like kings... however, the choice is still with the individuals, to be humane or not.. for we believe such abusive behavior is animal-like.. [ya.. i came across cat abuse rat b4.. itz for training the kitten for hunting though]
anything else is fine..

take for myself as an example.. i do not eat animals that are killed for me.. [that means my desire to eat directly caused their death] and i do not wish to get close to any form of fragile life forms as my recklessness may cause their pain and suffering.. [yeah babies included. - -]

However, when i watched the video that guy presented, it didn really shake me... there is no point... there are inhuman ppl out there, but its their choice.. life are lost for human beings every single millisecond. even if your a vegetarian, your killing plants... they are life forms too... the way of nature. accept it. and not contribute to the pain of others is all we can do.
we cannot possibly be stopping other carnivores from hunting down prey.. and let them die of starvation right?

Stop letting the heartache and tears get to you. think of it this way... in the championship of life, we are the winners, and losers gave up their lives and we lived on. we are no longer just responsible for ourselves, we're bearing the glory of the ones fell under us. Live well, for we are living for them too. [ya.. think of this in life too.. it applies to all competitions. you may win or lose.. the losers give their hope to the winners who will fight on for the glory of all.]

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